Tuesday, June 26, 2012

iPod Air: First Ever!! 128 GB SSD Classic Upgrade

 Are you tired of running out of space on your iPod? Are you active and drop your iPod often? We have the solution. A Solid State Drive that should last a lifetime. Better performance and lower power consumption. It is virtually indestructible.

The Upgrade is $199. Complete iPod Units are $350.


  1. That's crazy!!! Even before Apple!

  2. When you guys get a bigger hard drive, I will definitely be the first on the list.

  3. It's a Compact Flash Drive. Solid State. Please write us at http://www.ipodrepairclinic.com/contactus.html
    To put your name on our list.

  4. Very interesting! All I want in music playback, and now it seems I can rescue my model A1099 out of the repair bin.
